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Si tratta di un concorso a premi lanciato in parallelo, in Canada dalla Canadian Space Agency (CSA), e negli Stati Uniti dal National Aeronautics and the Space Administration (NASA) Centennial Challenges Program.
Il Deep Space Food Challenge è una competizione internazionale in cui la NASA offre premi in borsa ai team statunitensi e riconoscimenti ai team internazionali. I team sono invitati a creare tecnologie o sistemi alimentari nuovi e rivoluzionari che richiedono input minimi e massimizzano le uscite alimentari sicure, nutrienti e appetibili per missioni spaziali di lunga durata e che hanno il potenziale per avvantaggiare le persone sulla Terra.
Nello spazio
Sebbene ci siano molti sistemi alimentari sulla Terra che possono offrire vantaggi ai viaggiatori spaziali, la capacità di questi sistemi di soddisfare le richieste dei voli spaziali non è ancora stata stabilita.
I tipi e le durate delle future missioni lunari si evolvono e maturano costantemente sulla base di nuovi progressi tecnologici e input scientifici.
Le agenzie spaziali devono affrontare missioni lunari di lunga durata e come fornire ai futuri equipaggi lunari cibo sicuro e nutriente mentre si trova in orbita lunare o sulla superficie lunare.
Sulla Terra
L'insicurezza alimentare è un problema cronico significativo sulla Terra in ambienti e comunità urbane, rurali e difficili.
Le catastrofi possono anche sconvolgere le catene di approvvigionamento, da cui dipendono tutte le persone, e aggravare ulteriormente la carenza di cibo.
L'uso efficiente di acqua e altri input per la produzione di cibo potrebbe consentire tecnologie con un impatto ridotto sulle risorse necessarie per la produzione alimentare qui sulla Terra, specialmente in ambienti estremi e regioni scarse di risorse.
La Deep Space Food Challenge identificherà le tecnologie di produzione alimentare che possono:
- Aiutare a colmare le lacune alimentari per una missione di andata e ritorno di tre anni senza rifornimento
- Dare da mangiare a un equipaggio di quattro (4) astronauti.
- Migliorare l'accessibilità del cibo sulla Terra, in particolare, attraverso la produzione direttamente nei centri urbani e in ambienti remoti e difficili.
Ottenere la massima quantità di produzione alimentare con input minimi e sprechi minimi.
Creare una varietà di alimenti appetibili, nutrienti e sicuri che richiedono poco tempo di elaborazione per i membri dell'equipaggio
Questa sfida cerca di incentivare i team a sviluppare nuove tecnologie e/o sistemi per la produzione alimentare che non devono soddisfare tutte le esigenze nutrizionali dei futuri equipaggi, ma possono contribuire in modo significativo ed essere integrati in un sistema alimentare completo.
La fase 1 chiama i team a progettare un nuovo design tecnologico per la produzione alimentare che soddisfi gli obiettivi e i requisiti della sfida
Riconoscimento NASA per squadre internazionali
Le 10 squadre internazionali con il punteggio più alto saranno riconosciute come vincitrici della sfida. I team devono soddisfare i requisiti di idoneità per partecipare alla Sfida per essere riconosciuti dalla NASA.
Le basi della nostra proposta
La nostra proposta si basa sui brevetti:
- 102018000010674 del 29/11/2018 Composizione per la preparazione di prodotti alimentari per soggetti con difficoltà di deglutizione
- 102020000025501 del 27/10/2020 Dispositivo e metodo per reidratare polvere liofilizzata alimentare
La combinazione dei due brevetti e l’esperienza maturata con la collaborazione delle aziende partner nello sviluppo degli stessi, ci consentono di predisporre un progetto coerente con i requisiti obbligatori imposti dalla Challenge e avviare un modello sperimentale in tal senso.
Chi siamo
Team base Il gruppo si compone di una collaborazione tra:
Dipartimento di Scienze della Salute
- ZANINI Milko (Italia) – Coordinatore del Progetto
- ICARDI Giancarlo (Italia)
- SASSO Loredana (Italia)
- BAGNASCO Annamaria (Italia)– Responsabile scientifico del Progetto
- CATANIA Gianluca (Italia)
- Antonio Romano
- Davide Soana
- Matteo Oppi
FA.BA sas
- Baudizzone Flavio (Italia)
- Baudizzone Roberto (Italia)
Partecipanti esterni:
- RIPAMONTI Stefania Italia
Perché del progetto
Noi crediamo che la soluzione derivata dalle nostre esperienze possa essere coerente con le limitazioni operazionali espresse dalla challenge, ma proporre mediante l’innovazione del prodotto, un menù variato, coerente a livello sensoriale, palatabile e gradevole in una situazione anche estrema.
Il sistema di reidratazione consente di utilizzare la componente acqua senza alcun spreco, introducendola nel ciclo alimentare con normale acqua ai pasti e non disperdendone durante la produzione. La tecnologia a cui ci affidiamo, consente la riproduzione di ogni ricettazione richiesta, ottenendo un alimento organoletticamente riconoscibile, a consistenza modificata e con una shelf life sufficiente alle richieste della challenge.
Lo sviluppo di un menù complesso non comporta limiti operazionali per l’equipaggio, consentendo un approccio time saving nelle preparazioni.
La tecnologia si sposa inoltre che l’aspetto “terrestre” della challenge stessa, con particolare riferimento alla risposta di primo intervento in situazioni di calamità naturale e indisponibilità di servizi alternativi.
Consente infatti di costituire un sistema “tampone” (buffer) mediante alimenti a basso peso ed alta resa per kg (circa 20 porzioni complete) e dispositivi facilmente trasportabili che necessitano di collegamento elettrico e acqua al fine di preparare pasti in numero potenzialmente illimitato e per il tempo necessario alla ricostruzione della catena di approvvigionamento.
Per approfondire
Il background del team:
Team base
Full Professor MED/45 – General, clinical and paediatric nursing sciences Department of Health Sciences – DISSAL Assignments Study Programme Coordinator NURSING DEGREE COURSE ADVICE Study Programme Coordinator STUDY PROGRAMME ADVICE IN NURSING AND MIDWIFERY SCIENCES Member of the Scientific Council University Service Centre University Service Centre for Simulation and Advanced Training – SIMAV; Since 11 June 2014. Member of the Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE). Since 22 May 2014.
Member of the European Academy of Nursing Science (EANS) Partner: EuropeaN curriculum for fAmily aNd Community nurse (ENHANCE) – Pr. N. 591946-EPP-1-2017-1-IT-EPPKA2-SSA Research Project Coordinator for Italy Project & Scientific Director of RN4CAST@IT - PED Forecasting Pediatric Nurses in Italy. Partner of the ERASMUS+ Project Key Action 203 Strategic Partnership. Ref. No. 2016-1-UK01-KA203-024269 Title: Shared Learning from practice to Improve Patient Safety (SLIPPS)
Co-Investigator: European Oncology Nursing Society (EONS) Major Research Grant 2013 Brussels, Belgium Co-Investigator of the project: Quasi- experimental trial of a complex nursing intervention focused on QoL assessment on advanced cancer patients with palliative care needs: feasibility, acceptability, and potential effectiveness. From 02/02/2014 to date. Research Project: Partner of RN4CAST Europe and Project Coordinator for Italy RN4CAST@IT - Forecasting Nurses in Italy. Phase one: 2015/2016. From 22/02/2015 to date.
Co-Investigator (Project Manager) NUTRICARE – Evidence of caring for nutrition. “Testing on the spot the effectiveness of the introduction of the nutritional program focusing on eating disorders and dysphagia: the effects on the multidimensional indicators included in the individual care plan”. Progetto co-finanziato da Med-Eat Srl. Dal 01/01/2014 a 30/06/2015/
PhD in Nursing Research Methodology (University of Genova, Italy); M.S. in Nursing (University of Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy) and M.A. in Sociology (University Carlo Bo, Urbino, Italy). He is an Assistant Professor in Nursing at the University of Genova, Italy since March 2014. Before he was an adjunct professor in sociology and nursing at the University of Genova, Italy since 1998, meanwhile He was in charge as a nurse manager at ASL 3 Genovese, a public health provider in Genova.
Primary research interests: 1) Healthy Ageing; 2) Nursing sensitive outcome; 3) Fundamentals of care. Member of Royal Society of Medicine; International Learning Collaboration; Sigma Theta Tau at Phi Mu Chapter; Società Italiana Scienze Infermieristiche e and The Society on Sarcopenia, Cachexia and Wasting Disorders. He published more than 110 papers in the field obtaining more than 500 citations and an h index of 17, and He was involved with several funded research projects, both national and European, and many industrial contracts.
Awarded in 2017 by Società Italiana Scienze Infermieristiche for his research work.
Site registrations ID ORCID: 0000-0002-1081-6279 Publons: publons.com/a/1368141/ ResearcherID: L-8293-2015Alcune attività correlate
NUTRI CARE - Evidence of caring for nutrition. "Testing on the spot the effectiveness of the introduction of the nutritional program focusing on eating disorders and dysphagia: the effects on the multidimensional indicators included in the individuai care plan". Progetto co-finanziato Progetto Ricerca di Ateneo (PRA 2014) del progetto dal Titolo: Valutazione dei fattori di rischio e delle conseguenze della sarcopenia sulle persone anziane, uno studio sul campo. Dipartimento di Scienze della Salute. Università di Genova dal 01-01-2014 al 31-12-2015 Weancare: providing the right meal for patients with swallowing impairment. This project push the boundaries to achieve the right amoutn of energy and protin in a sort of energy dense meal that allow this kind of patients to receive an effective daily intake that is fitting theyr needs. This tecnology is now on market It is based on normal food An important finding of this study is the provision of culturally sensitive, tasty dishes that provide a memory of social eating for the residents Another major advantage of this intervention is the palatability of the food. Usually, thickeners are added to foods for people with dysphagia. So, residents tend to get a ‘soup’ for every meal. This reduces liminal stimulus for older people, especially those with dementia. If they are able to recognise the food, they will enjoy it more and will become more involved with eating, something which has been demonstrated in other studies (Zanini et al 2017)
PhD, MSN, RN, Assistant Professor of Nursing Since June 2018 - Senior Fellow at the Center for Health Outcomes and Policy Research - School of Nursing - University of Pennsylvania (USA); Since May 2017 Faculty member of the Doctoral Nursing Program at the Department of Health Sciences at the University of Genoa (IT); Since December 2014 - Assistant Professor at the Department of Health Sciences at the University of Genoa (IT).
Fulbright Research Scholarship. June 2017 - The U.S. – Italy Fulbright Commission; Major Research Grant by European Oncology Nursing Society (EONS) Brussels, Belgium. February 2014; Clinical Travel Grant by da European Oncology Nursing Society (EONS) Brussels, Belgium. June 2012; Dr. Gianluca Catania started his academic career at the University of Genoa (Italy) in 2014, and ever since, in addition to all his teaching commitments, he has conducted many research studies and projects in the field of healthcare quality and safety, and palliative and cancer nursing care, with a history of over 90 publications in peer reviewed journals. In particular, he started conducting research in direct connection with the RN4CAST International Consortium in 2015 and has since then conducted several funded national research projects on topics specifically related to nurse staffing, nurse-patient ratios, skill-mix and missed care. In relation to these topics, he has built and maintained long-standing contacts and collaborated with renown international experts in this field, who are also partners of the H2020 proposal. Especially in the last 5 years, Dr. Gianluca Catania has focused his work on exploring the association between essential missed nursing care, nurse staffing ratios, patient safety, and nurses’ job satisfaction.
Some related publications
Pilot study to identify the modification of performance in sarcopenic nursing home patients after introduction of protein and D vitamin supplementation. Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle, 8(6), 1059-1060. doi:10.1002/jcsm.12255 [IF 9.697] Zanini M, Bagnasco A, Aleo G, Timmins F, Sasso L. Returning to the sacred- the importance of careful attention to patients’ nutritional needs in hospital settings. (Published online 6th January 2016). Journal of Advanced Nursing, 2017; 73(3): 523-526. IF 1.998 DOI:10.1111/jan.12879) WOS: 000399292400001 SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-84953898296 Bressan V, Bagnasco A, Aleo G, Catania G, Zanini M, Timmins F, Sasso L. The life experience of nutrition impact symptoms during treatment for head and neck cancer patients: a systematic review and meta-synthesis. (Published online: 15th February 2017) Supportive Care in Cancer, 2017; 25(5): 1699-1712 [IF 2.535] Doi: 10.1007/s00520-017-3618-7 WOS:000399153200039 SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85012873602 Zanini, M., Ripamonti, S., Bagnasco, A., Aleo, G., & Sasso, L. “Food against malnutrition in dysphagic elder people, evaluation of the NUTRICARE program in a multicenter study-first results”. (2014). In EDCNS 14° european doctoral conference in nursing science. doi:10.13140/2.1.3090.3048
Member and Secretary General Italian National Board of Nursing (Federazione Nazionale OPI) - Roma - IT Coordinator of the Doctoral Program in METHODOLOGY OF NURSING RESEARCH (CODE 4821) - since 01-01-2007 Supervisor of some Doctoral Students of the Doctoral Program in 'Innovative Methodologies applied to chronic-degenrative and infectious diseases: epidemiology, statistics, prevention, management and nursing' XXIX and XXX Cycles - since 01-01-2014
Coordinator of the Curriculum 'Methodology of Reseach in Nursing' within the Doctoral Program 'Innovative Methodologies applied to chronic- degenrative and infectious diseases: epidemiology, statistics, prevention, management and nursing' for the Cycles XXIX,XXX,XXXI e XXXII - since 01-01-2014
Current research interests within the field of nursing mainly include Missed care, skill mix, nurse-to-patient staffing ratios. Previously, I have conducted research in the fields of patient assessment of chronic illness care, staff attitutes towards nutritional care, child and family centred care, teaching methods for students, assessment of competencies, nursing leadership and management, prison nursing, and pediatric nursing EuropeaN curriculum for fAmily aNd Community nurse (ENHANCE) financed from European Commission - IT Euro 1.000.000 as Participant for the Creation of a European Curriculum for Family and Community Nurses Pr. N. 591946-EPP-1-2017-1-IT-EPPKA2-SSA; RN4CASTIT - PED Forecasting Pediatric Nurses in Italy. Pricipal investigator This project adresses the issue of nurse understaffing in pediatric hospitals. Shared Learning from practice to Improve Patient Safety (SLIPPS) financed by European Commission - ERASMUS+ Project Key Action 203 Strategic Partnership. - IT Euro 400.000 as Participant This project aims at improving patient safety through patient safety learning events.
RN4CASTIT Agenzia Sanitaria Regionale della Liguria - ARS e ANIMO - IT EURO 7.000 - Pricipal investigator This project adresses the issue of nurse understaffing in hospital wards of general surgery and general medicine. 11 December 2017 – Fellow Ad Eundemof the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (FRCSI) 22 October 2016 – Fellow of the American Academy of Nursing (FAAN) June 2015 - Member of the Honor Society of Nursing Sigma Theta Tau International Vice President of the European Federation of Nursing Regulators (FEPI) Brussels office from 2009 to 2013 President of the European Federation of Nursing Regulators (FEPI) Brussels office from 2006 to 2009
Some related publications
Pilot study to identify the modification of performance in sarcopenic nursing home patients after introduction of protein and D vitamin supplementation. Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle, 8(6), 1059-1060. doi:10.1002/jcsm.12255 [IF 9.697] Zanini M, Bagnasco A, Aleo G, Timmins F, Sasso L. Returning to the sacred- the importance of careful attention to patients’ nutritional needs in hospital settings. (Published online 6th January 2016). Journal of Advanced Nursing, 2017; 73(3): 523-526. IF 1.998 DOI:10.1111/jan.12879) WOS: 000399292400001 SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-84953898296 Bressan V, Bagnasco A, Aleo G, Catania G, Zanini M, Timmins F, Sasso L. The life experience of nutrition impact symptoms during treatment for head and neck cancer patients: a systematic review and meta-synthesis. (Published online: 15th February 2017) Supportive Care in Cancer, 2017; 25(5): 1699-1712 [IF 2.535] Doi: 10.1007/s00520-017-3618-7 WOS:000399153200039 SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85012873602 Zanini, M., Ripamonti, S., Bagnasco, A., Aleo, G., & Sasso, L. “Food against malnutrition in dysphagic elder people, evaluation of the NUTRICARE program in a multicenter study-first results”. (2014). In EDCNS 14° european doctoral conference in nursing science. doi:10.13140/2.1.3090.3048
Team Members (the team is open)
Master's Degree in Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology with a Experimental thesis on the study of transdermal preparations with experiments of release, in vitro permeation and accumulation of Propranolol in biological substrate far the treatment of neonatal hemangiomas, responsible for R.Q. and R&D. manager at H.a.r.g. S.B. s.r.l. and in particular: Research and development of soluble products; Research and development of "energy-dense" and high-nutrient thickened products for people with swallowing disease: First courses, main courses, side dishes and desserts; Hydration products; Research and development of thickeners for liquids and solids.
born in 1995
Master's course in Food science and technology, actually Intern in R&D, H.A.R.G SB srl, Development of food products intended for people suffering from dysphagia or swallowing difficulty. Before he worked in Sperlari srl as Intern in R&D, main occupation Organization and management of the R&D laboratory: Development of Sperlari’s brand new candies: laboratory and plant tests. Accelerated storage test of new products
born in 1980
Biologist with a Master Degree in Human Nutrition Since 2014 I collaborate with the Department of Health Sciences participating in research studies on the outcomes of care and health following the nutritional intervention on malnutrition and sarcopenia conducted in different nursing homes.
With the same research group I collaborated in the creation of a modified texture meal production system by developing patents concerning both foods suitable for the nutrition of frail people and machinery specially created to facilitate the rapid standardized production of the aforementioned foods independently even for non-catering people. During the bachelor's degree course in dietitians, faculty of medicine and surgery, at the State University of Milan I enriched my training experience by carrying out the professionalizing internship at the department of dietetics and clinical nutrition of the Niguarda Ca' Granda Hospital in Milan and at the dietitian endocrinology clinic of A.O. Humanitas in Rozzano (MI). In 2010 I started a voluntary internship at the U.O. of Endocrinology of the A.O. of Desio and Vimercate and at the same time I continued the course of study obtaining the master's degree in Human Nutrition and Nutrition (interfaculty of medicine and surgery with agriculture) at the University of Milan in July 2013 discussing the thesis entitled: "Role of nutritional medical therapy in the treatment of gestational diabetes".
born in 1969, is the administrator of FA.BA. sas: The company produces composite materials in resin glass mainly for the electromechanical industry, providing those electrical insulation details produced on the customer's specification and design; it boasts the participation in countless projects for the construction or repair of generators or electric motors around the world.
Some details have also been produced for the ITER (International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor) project In the current construction phase, ENEA participates with the design and construction of components with a high scientific and technological content through a qualified presence of Italian researchers and technicians in the organizations responsible for implementation (ITER, Fusion for Energy), and support to the Italian industrial system for the realization of supplies to ITER. The capabilities of FA.BA. are used in the development of the mixing device in a controlled environment.
born in 1962
Founder of CompEd Sofware Design in 1987, has always been working in the field of software engineering.
His activity has always been focused on the world of computer documents and digital signature (comped products among the most used in the world of Italian healthcare), areas in which he is considered one of the leading Italian experts.
Over the years he has collaborated on several initiatives for the discussion of ETSI standards, for the drafting of the Guidelines for Dematerialization in Health, for the definition of the UNI-SInCRO standard for the interoperability of storage archives. Today, in his company, he deals with Customers and Special Projects. Involved in this project for the development of control logic.